Welcome to the Board Michael!

Following our AGM in November we went through the process of seeking nominations for replacing Greg Austin as a director on the board. We received only one nomination which was from Mike Murray and in January we welcomed Mike as casual director to our board.

Mike is currently General Manager of Cotton Australia, where a key part of his role is to manage the Cotton Australia policy development and advocacy work, with special re-sponsibility for water. Mike has an in-depth knowledge of Australian water policy, hav-ing worked in this space for over three decades as an irrigator, Executive Officer for Gwydir Valley Irrigators Association and for the past 13 years with Cotton Australia.

Mike also chairs the Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) Water and Energy Commit-tee (WEPC) and is also a director of the National Irrigators Council, and a former direc-tor and Deputy Chair of the NSW Irrigators Council.

With Mike’s experience we look forward to his contribution to Theodore Water.

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