Company Overview

Theodore Water Pty Ltd operates the Theodore channel irrigation scheme which provides irrigation water to 44 allocation holders, covering 3000 ha land located on either side of the Dawson River.

Theodore Water Pty Ltd is owned by the scheme’s allocation holders and is managed by an experienced and committed team of water delivery specialists.
Oversight is provided by a six-member Board comprised of local and independent representatives.

The company’s vision is to provide cost effective and efficient water delivery services to the Theodore region by a local team that’s committed to customer service, community engagement and growing the regional economy.

Local ownership only relates to assets associated with the channel distribution scheme such as channels, pipes and drains. Bulk water supply assets such as rivers and dams are not included and remain owned and managed by SunWater. SunWater continues to deliver bulk water to the channel system while Theodore Water Pty Ltd is responsible for its delivery to allocation holders.

Local ownership of the system ensures that the system is specifically tailored to the needs of the Theodore channel system irrigators with the opportunity for more innovative and flexible ways of operating the water distribution.

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